Collection: MorganaFantasyAI


I will try in a few words to summarize my passion for fantasy and how I got here, it's all summed up in my stage name, these three words are the essence of who I am.. Morgana, is a name that comes from my childhood, it was the name of my stuffed monkey, I played with it for many years and it remained in my heart, which combined with my passion for fairy tales created a perfect magic potion, my name, Fantasy, because as I already said, I have always loved fairy tales... I listened to them, I read the books, I went to the cinema, I dreamed about them... I practically had my fill of them! this is the present, since about five months ago I entered the world of artificial intelligence... And there a world opened up to me, I was able to give shape (in images) to everything that was my passion, and a lot the more I created images, the more people became passionate about them... Until they met me in every part of the world and appreciated my creations and I am enthusiastic about this and I will continue... because this is my path and the materialization of my dreams. That's all... Catia (